Know the 8 Secrets to Success When Tackling your EPPP

Many have claimed to know the one secret to success. What if there are eight?

In his Ted Talk, ‘8 Secrets of Success’, Richard St. John condenses over a decade of research about success into three minutes and eight key words.

If success is what you desire, St. John’s eight secrets apply to you whether you’ve failed the EPPP and you’re trying again, or you’re about to make your first attempt.

Ask yourself these eight questions as you discover the secrets:

  1. What am I passionate about in the psychology field?
  2. Am I willing to do what it takes to reach my goals?
  3. Will I be good at what I do?  
  4. Do my psychology-related goals have my focus?
  5. Am I willing to push myself through failure?
  6. How will my success serve others?
  7. What are my most exciting ideas?
  8. Will I persist in the face of opposition?

Take a look:


Further Reading: