What to Expect and How to Prepare for CPLEE Exam Day

Are you ready for CPLEE exam day? Before you arrive to take the test, make sure you are prepared.

First, prepare yourself for exam day by thoroughly reading the CPLEE candidate information bulletin board  by the California Board of Psychology.  It covers the following topics:

  • Purpose of the bulletin
  • Examination Development
  • Establishing the Passing Standards
  • Examination Scheduling Procedure
  • Special Accommodations Available
  • Examination Site Location
  • Reporting to the Examination Site
  • Taking the Examination by Computer
  • Study Materials
  • Examination Items
  • Understanding the Results
  • Abandonment of Application
  • Licensing Information
  • Licensing Fee
  • Fields of Competence
  • Continuing Education Requirements
  • Examination Summary
  • Examination Outline
  • Examination Study Questions

Once you have read the bulletin, you should do the following:

  • Visit the testing center location
  • Prepare for the exam the night before by choosing what clothes you will wear and by packing snacks and having your identification ready. (Clothing with pockets in not allowed)
  • Review pages 7 and 8 of the information bulletin so you know what items are prohibited in the testing center.
  • Review your EPPP exam day routine. You will follow the same routine when taking the CPLEE.

On CPLEE exam day, arrive 30 minutes before your start time. You will complete preliminary paperwork and verification during this time. To ensure timeliness, the Taylor Study Method recommends giving yourself an extra hour to get there in case of traffic or directional issues. When you arrive at the testing center, leave any prohibited items in your car. Once you enter the building and check in, you must provide one of the following forms of identification:

  • A current State issued Driver’s License
  • A current State Department of Motor Vehicles Identification Card
  • A current U.S. military-issued identification card
  • A current government issued passport

As a part of the check-in process, you will also provide a thumb print.

You will be given 2.5 hours to answer 100 multiple choice questions once the exam begins. Before your timer starts, the computer will take you through a tutorial on how to navigate the system. This does not count as part of your examination time, and we recommend you take advantage of the tutorial so you can go into the exam completely confident.

Once you are done with your exam, you will be provided with a printed report of your score.

If you have any questions or concerns about CPLEE exam day, give TSM a call at 1-877-510-5445 or email us at contactus@taylorstudymethod.com