Leveraging the Changing Leaves Towards Productivity in your EPPP Study Schedule

Labor Day weekend, a time that marks the end of summer for many, can mean a shift in your daily routine and EPPP study schedule, though fall doesn’t officially begin until September 22nd.

As autumn approaches perhaps new commitments arise that demand a change in your current schedule or perhaps you need a routine altogether after a summer of rest. Whether you are in need of a routine or your current one needs adjusting, autumn approaching can be as good a reason as any to evaluate what’s working, and what’s not, in your daily EPPP study schedule. The changing leaves can mark a fresh start to gear you up for EPPP success.

An effective routine frees you from thinking about your next step. For example, if you shower and then brush your teeth every morning at the same time in the same order you are free from the decision making process of when to shower and brush your teeth. Taking away the decision making process can help you consistently get out the door on time. The same thing goes for your EPPP study schedule. If you decide to begin each morning with exercise, a shower, and studying for a set amount of time, you are free from having to make the decision of when to study every day. You are also less likely to skip a study session when it’s built into your schedule.

Here are a few ways to create, or re-create, an effective routine and EPPP study schedule:


List out your commitments and then set aside your “fixed commitments” (the things, like fixed expenses, that are unavoidable and have a specific time attached to them such as sleep, a job, and school). Plug your fixed commitments into their specified time slot then prioritize and plug in what you have left. Put studying on your schedule while being conscious of what time of day you will be most productive. For example, if you turn into a pumpkin after dinner time, perhaps reserve an hour or two for studying in the morning

Take your time

For each item on your schedule, allow time for transition. Give yourself moments between each task to readjust to the next thing. For example, if you have trouble with the first few minutes of being awake in the morning and have set aside time to study at an early hour, you might try setting your alarm to an earlier hour and putting your phone or alarm clock farther than arm’s reach. Reaching for your alarm will help you wake up

Stick to it

For one week give your new routine a trial-run. Think about if it will remain easy to stick to and if you feel overwhelmed or if there’s a chance for burnout in the long run. If your routine needs re-adjusting, consider switching important tasks between time slots before you get rid of an important task altogether. For example, try exercising at a different time of day surrounded by different tasks if you are having trouble making it to the gym. Exercise can help you focus and therefore increase EPPP productivity.

Create goals

Set short term and long term goals. What do you want to accomplish in the first week of your new routine? Maybe it’s a certain chunk of EPPP material that you want to get through or it’s as simple as just sticking to your set schedule. What else do you want to accomplish after one month?

If you don’t yet have a daily EPPP study schedule to include into your daily routine, at TSM we can help you create one based on your learning style and daily availability.


Further Reading:

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